Sunday, November 11, 2007

the 5 Browns

Last Sunday we took the kids to the D.C. temple visitors center for a "fireside" by the 5 Browns. They are a family of classical pianist from Utah. All of them attended Juilliard. The fireside part was fair, but their playing was amazing! I was hoping my children would leave with a desire to practice a little harder. Unfortunately, the practicing this week was the same as last : ) !!

Dining Mishaps

Dave & I went to dinner Friday night at the Macaroni Grill. We enjoyed a fabulous meal of penned rustica and lobster ravioli. Towards the end of our meal, the waiter returned to our table to ask if we would like dessert. Dave asked what was on the dessert menu. The waiter ran down the list and Dave decided the cheesecake sounded good. So he asked the waiter, "Do you have cherries to go with that cheesecake?" The waiter answers with a resounding, "Yes, we sure do." Dave decided that the cheesecake sounded great and asks the waiter to bring some out. Now what picture does that conjure up in your mind? A beautiful cheesecake with cherries and sauce. No! What the waiter brought us was a beautiful cheesecake with an accompanying bowl of marichino cherries! We laughed and laughed. It was not quite what we had in mind! And as soon as I can figure out how to get the picture we took of it off my e-mail and onto my computer I will download the picture!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sounds like fun. . . .


We need someone creative like you to propel us into the digital age! I thought I would start off with this great picture of Doug. This picture reminds me of a trunk-or-treat we went to a few years ago. Our friend dressed up as "the creepy neighbor guy"! Luckily I know this "creepy neighbor guy" and he is great!

Love ya,


P.S. I will only post pictures that won't make it into the Ellis Family Calendar. . . maybe you can see why?!? :)

The First Time...

I am certainly not "with it" these days, as this is the first (and possibly the last) time I've ever blogged! Laura, thanks for setting this up. We'll do our best to keep this thing up to date.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

We Are Up and Running


I have set up a family blogspot. I love how the Loveridges know all the family goings on. This should be an easy way to post pictures and notes of what is going on in our lives. Please participate. This is also a great way to let mom and dad know what our families are up to.