Sunday, September 28, 2008

My first crack at it!

After a wonderful internship and experience in Boston this summer, we came back to Ithaca, NY a week after the birth of Malynn Jaroldeen Monson at Mass General. We saw all the sights and sounds of a Boston summer (the perfect time to be there, especially the 4th of July), but we are so happy to be HOME in Ithaca again. We really love it here; the ward, the people, the beauty, the school, our friends, the fun; and we are so sad to be going in May. It is going to swing around before we know it and I don't want to say goodbye to any of it (except for maybe the being really poor and living in an apartment that is more similar to a dorm room).

This month has been crazy busy with Matt trying to get back into the swing of school and devoting all of his "extra" time to the real estate competition team he is on, and me trying to get used to an extra body in the house. Malynn is actually an angel baby, making the transition pretty smooth and even enjoyable. The kids love her and are very gentle and sweet with her. She already is sleeping from about 9pm to 5am and then back to sleep until 8am or so. Another thing that has happened this month was Sienna's first school experience. Only 20 some odd years to go right? She is in a public pre-K program at the elementary school. She gets on the bus every morning at 7:30 and home at 2:20 with a short day on Fridays. She absolutely LOVES it! I don't think there is any other child that is more compatible with school! Oh, and mom loves it too :)

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